There is a lot of talk of how you cannot love anyone until you love yourself. People tell you that you cannot be in a healthy relationship, unless you love yourself completely. Love is the most powerful vibration known to man, and when you tap into you, you cannot only change your life, fix your relationship, and heal your body. You can also change and influence the people and the environment around you. So, in this video, I am going to give you an amazing self-love meditation that will literally change your world. So, stay tuned. How to love yourself? In my other video, how to overcome low self-esteem, I spoke about the rules of war. I quoted from the Art of War, written by Sun Tzu. In that video, I explained that wars are won through a process that is known as psychological warfare. This is a process where your opponent will do everything to destroy your self-confidence. When you’re completely broken, you become susceptible to their control. So, wh...
I get so many requests from people who tell me that they want to do all of these things, yet, they simply can’t afford them. They go on and tell me that they suffer from cycles of feast and famine. There are times where they have money, and times where they are dead ass broke. Others have told me stories about how difficult it is for them to get a job. While others have said that they make pretty good money, yet they have a difficult time saving and/or paying off debt. I myself have struggled with money, and yes, I was a victim of extreme debt and abject poverty. However, there are a few techniques that I’ve learned over the years that have enabled me to not only keep my head above water. But also manifest the life of my dreams. So, in this video, I will like to share many of those techniques with you.
I get so many requests from both men and women. They, want to learn how to get their ex back. Others want to know how they can get someone to notice them, or be interested in them. All these questions are tricky because they revolve around the all time forbidden and most taboo topic in the world, sexual energy. Yes, love and relationships, even desires are all about sexual energy. Sadly, many people in the Western World, in particularly in the United States are suffering from suppressed sexual energy. Besides, there is no one really out there to help you understand how these things work. So, in this video, I am going to explain to you how to use your sexual energy, to not only get over that guy or girl who hurt you. But, I am also going to give you a small ritual on how you can heal, and manifest love into your life, so stay tuned.
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